Serious Auto Injury Accident
Auto accidents can lead to various injuries, to any portion of your body, which depend upon the collision's circumstances and impact's severity.
Head and Brain Injuries
One typical and debilitating injury that is suffered by passengers and drivers includes an acquired brain injury, which is caused by hitting your head or violently striking an object. Symptoms may be serious, moderate, or mild, and depend upon the damage's extent to the affected area and the brain. Even if there isn't any visible signal of trauma (such as bruises or cuts), the brain may have jostled around inside your skull because of the force of impact causing brain swelling, bleeding, and bruising.
Neck Injuries
An additional injury commonly caused by auto accidents includes neck injuries. These may occur with more mild injuries such as neck strain and whiplash, to more serious issues such as disc injury and cervical dislocation.
Injuries to the Spinal Cord
Such damage can lead to displaced disc material, ligaments or bone fragments tear into or bruise tissue, and destroy axons, the portion of your nerve cells which carry signals down and up your spinal cord between your brain and the remainder and your body. Oftentimes, such damage causes a lack of feeling or function.
Back Injuries
Your lower back is typically the most vulnerable area for enduring back injuries, which can includestrains, sprains, fractured vertebrae, as well asherniated discs. Those injuries may cause discomfort and restrict mobility. Occasionally, symptoms of even the most severeback injuries take time to show up after a collision. Back injuries, unfortunately, may produce long lasting discomfort and pain.
Facial Injuries
Some common facial injuriesthat can be caused from an auto accident include hittingthe dashboard, steering wheel, windshield, airbag, car seats, broken glass, or side windows. They range in seriousness from bruises and cuts, to fractures and lacerations, even severe disorders which affect the jaw bone and severe dental injuries.
Internal Injuries
The impact from an auto accident may lead to internal injuries which includebowel injuries, or injuries to the kidneys, liver, spleen, aorta, heart, or lungs. Fractured ribs also are common, and cause punctured lungs, as well as additional internal organs. Injuries of the internal system can be life threatening and must be immediately seen by a doctor.
Psychological Injuries
Auto accidents including serious injuries and even death, may result in passengers and drivers suffering long or short-term psychological injuries like posttraumatic stress disorder, emotional distress,depression and persistent anxiety. Those psychological injuries may affect all facets of an individual's life and possess long-lasting effects.
For Excellent Legal Services Contact Lucas Law, PLLC
If you have recently been involved in a rental car accident, contact a personal injury attorney at Lucas Law, PLLC, in Laconia, New Hampshire, at (603) 581-7102 or fill out our easy inquiry form online. One of our car accident attorneys from Laconia, Rochester, Concord, and throughout the state of New Hampshire will meet with you in a timely manner to discuss your case.